Donggol Aeguk si longgan sipudan!

The eastern nation must prosper before god's house can prosper!
Donggol Yichuk Payok, de God hausen payok!

Monday 12 May 2014

We await the Eastern Messiah

As much as this blog prepares the East for its unification, we must also get to know our leader after WW3, who is according to Korean prophecy, the messiah, and according to Nostradamus, the great genius. He is also known as the "Holy man". See here for more information. While I believe is that Rev. moon is not the Messiah, but the angel that came before him to deliver the message to the people to the world. Alas, we lament why people do not listen!
Here is the prophecised timeline of events from the Korean book of prophecies:
1) Japan annexes Korea for 36 years( Chart 46)
2) Red(Communist) take North Korea, White(USA) takes South Korea, Korea divided.
3)North Korea and South Korea start 1st Korean War(Chart 47)
4) USA protects South Korea. China protects North Korea and drives US forces south.(Chart 48,49)
5)War between Japan and China escalates to global scale(Diaoyu islands dispute) and even war(World war 3)
6) Copied directly from chart 27:
In the year Shin- Yoo (1992-1993, war will break out in the Middle East. In the year Sool-Hae (1994-1995), many will lose their lives. In the year Ja-Chook (1994-1997, confusion will dominate the world and it becomes difficult to predict the future. In the year ln Myo (1998-1999), the future can be predicted. In the year Jin-Sa (2000-2001), the Messiah (the holy mangy will appear. In the year O-Mi (2002-2003, every house will be, full of joy
(Note: The above time predictions can be moved forward 24 years.)
7) Japanese soldiers, while defending against China(and possibly Eastern Federation forces) use 2nd Korean war as excuse to invade Korea. However, they are surprised to find that the nation is instead defeated as they send their forces there(or the soldiers sent to Korea are all dead) -2 intepretations
8) World war 3 ends, and before it ends, Messiah arrives in Japan but no one notices him. After WW3, as 1 in 10 Koreans survive, the Messiah will appear.
9) Korea unites with Japan and China to form true Eastern nation. Eastern Federation territories and armies all join new nation. This is the true independence of the Eastern nation.
10) Messiah becomes King of the East. All peoples bow unconditionally to him, and he judges based on the commandments of God. The wicked are instantly killed. All military leaders in WW3 apologise for their sins and atrocities.
11) Messiah have knowledge of space technology from space. Guides man on how to use space technology. Abundance across the land. Food now grown from atomic minerals.

Hence, we as the pioneer Easterners, must recognise the Messiah, and bow unconditionally to him, and plead for forgiveness from all our sins, and the Eastern nation will be forever under God, and protected by God.

Blue, red, green. The eastern federation flag

         Flag of the Eastern Federation- The wrathful, great Eastern nation under god!
 Blue represents the expansion of the nation across lands, regions,waters and across space
                                         Red represent the wrath of god's army
                      Green represent the economic success and military power of the nation
               Long live the Eastern Federation! Long live the Eastern Federation!

Eastern army news

Today we are discussing the new shift of power from the West to the East. The wrathful army is already in the process of being formed. Of those Singaporeans loyal to the East we shall join the wrathful army. May they accept us as comrades! I know the secrets of the wrathful army more than most people, the secret tactics and battle formations that can assure our victory. Indeed, even a hundred alien nations united against us shall have a hard time combating us, for we surprise them with guerilla style tactics, snipers shall be bountiful, rockets shall literally burst in the air like the American national anthem has said.

Many people in the world are still stuck to the idea that WW3 will not break out. They shall see it coming, soon.

Friday 9 May 2014

Japan created Myanmar in WW2, surely we can be created in WW3?

For every world war, there are nations that shall be created. WW1 created several nations in Oceania, WW2 created asian states like Myanmar(then Burma). Surely, where WW1 was to create fighting between colonial rulers, WW2 was to gain independence from colonial masters and WW3 would be to unite the nations under the Eastern banner, who shall be greater than a colonial master or a babylon, under God we shall be strong, that the Eastern nation be created near WW3, whether at the end of thereafter or near the middle, the Eastern nation shall be born.

In WW3, we accept any territory for the creation of the Eastern nation

As the swords of the Chinese, with the Russians allied, and with the other allies of the eastern coalition clashing guns and swords with the Americans and Europe, whom they invade and conquer, based clearly upon the prophecies of George Washington, Nostradamus and the like, the Easterners will gladly accept any piece of territory from our Eastern allies. The identification of Eastern nation in WW3 will clearly help the future of the nation as we will be easier to obtain more territory from our allies afterwards, and expand and conquer.

Of the new system of government we create

Of which the parliaments of the world have been shown to be ineffective, and whose people have been politicised and polarised to political parties, this shall not happen in the East! Instead, we shall have one or no party, and the bottom they shall tell us up what they need, and we shall deliver according to the resource allocations we give. Businesses shall liaison with territory governors, who set up offices across the country and outside the country to ensure easy connectivity to businesses who wish to do business with us, and business with us we welcome.

Of which the country is divided into different zones, each with a territorial governor who reports to central committee with status and demands of territory. Central committee will consist of president and his aides, who represent military, economic, social, foreign relations etc. specialised departments, who then issue the decisions. Country can have elections but all elections must either be inner-party or independents of no party. Hence, the political stability of nation is very strong.

Long live the Eastern Federation, which will be born either in the midst or after ww3.

Long live the Eastern nation, powerful and wrathful are your armies. Shall the nation rule over regions, and be defined as the first "Trans-regional state" and will all the big businesses be rebased in the East after WW3 devastates America and Europe, and fighting for their interests will give her strength. All thank the almighty God for giving strength to the East!